Families young and old packed the pews of St. Peter Catholic Church in historic St. Charles on Sunday, July 16th for the annual Archdiocese of St. Louis – Love and Life Mass, celebrated by Bishop Mark S. Rivituso. This afternoon of faith and fellowship hosted by the Office of Natural Family Planning commemorated the 55th anniversary of the release of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae, which articulates Catholic teaching on human sexuality, conjugal love, and responsible parenthood. The celebration also served as an early kick off to Natural Family Planning Awareness Week (July 23-29, 2023).

Each year the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) sets the theme for NFP Week to raise awareness for NFP methods and celebrate God’s design for married love and the gift of life. This year’s theme is “Marriage: One Flesh, Given and Received, supporting God’s gifts of love and life in marriage”.
In his homily, Bishop Rivituso reflected on how all are called to live Christ’s love in our unique vocations. We are all called to be united in His love according to God’s plan. In Humanae Vitae, Pope Saint Paul VI details how married couples are called to this unity in a special way. Married couples are called to selfless giving to their spouse and to God in marital love.
Speaking tenderly to those facing a season of infertility and to those who have experienced the loss of a child, specifically through miscarriage, Bishop Rivituso commended these couples in their faithfulness to God’s plan. He reiterated that their marriage can be strengthened and supported during these times. As it says in Humanae Vitae, “[The sexual activity] does not, moreover, cease to be legitimate even when, for reasons independent of their will, it is foreseen to be infertile. For its natural adaptation to the expression and strengthening of the union of husband and wife is not thereby suppressed.” (Humanae Vitae 11)
Bishop Rivituso encouraged the faithful with the reminder that the Church (and the Office of NFP!) is here to support all couples who seek to plan their families according to God’s beautiful intention and to remain faithful to God’s plan for the openness to all life.

After Mass, families gathered in the Parish Center for fellowship, complete with a picnic lunch and cornhole games. Through the sea of diaper bags, giggling toddlers, and parents juggling plates of food, the joy was palpable.

While the kids ran around, making up games with new friends, parents and grandparents took the opportunity to engage with likeminded families. It was a chance to meet other adults, while sharing in the joys and challenges of God’s design for marriage.
While his wife was helping their young daughter open her juice box, one husband commented on the demographics of those at the event. He noted the beauty of God’s perfect and unique plan for each family. No one plan better than another.
There were young families and well-seasoned parents.
Families complete with one or two children.
Families with enough children to fill a table.
Couples still praying to have a child of their own one day.
It was a true family affair – one guided by the Church’s loving and compassionate teaching on married love.
Thank you to all who joined us at the Love & Life Mass and celebration! Please follow along on Facebook and Instagram as we celebrate NFP Awareness Week. Check in on our social media and blog this week as we share personal stories, encouragement, and resources.