A comprehensive list of local resources for those experiencing infertility (primary or secondary). This post will be updated to reflect the most up-to-date information.

We have the option of connecting those desiring to conceive with a seminarian prayer partner. Please email stlnfp@archstl.org for more details or to participate.
Journey with these women in Scripture who have also walked the path of infertility.
- Sarah – Genesis 11: 29-30
- Hannah – 1 Samuel
- Elizabeth (Mother of John the Baptist) – Luke 1:5-25
Patron Saints

Sts. Joachim and Anne
Patrons of couples struggling with infertility
Feast day: July 26th

St. Gerard Majella patron of those trying to conceive, Feast day: Oct 16.

St. Gianna
patron of infertility, Feast day: April 28.

St. Colette of Corbie – patron of those trying to conceive, stillborn babies, pregnancy,
Feast day: March 6.

Arise (Local to ST. LOUIS AREA)
A small group utilizing the Arise curriculum from Springs in the Desert.
- Cardinal Rigali Center (20 Archbishop May Dr. St. Louis, MO 63119)
- Starting March 13, 2025
- Thursday evenings, 7 pm

Springs in the Desert
A longtime partner with our office, Springs in the Desert accompanies those struggling with infertility by offering a place of respite and solidarity where they can know God’s love for them and discover His unique call to fruitfulness. They have unique offerings for women, men and couples, meeting them wherever they are on the path of infertility. Some of their offerings include: virtual retreats, podcasts, blog posts, small group materials, etc. You can find them @springsinthedesert on Instagram and Springs in the Desert on Facebook.
Firmly rooted in the anthropology, ethics and spirituality of the Catholic Church, and our shared experiences of infertility, Springs in the Desert affirms the goodness of marriage, upholds the giftedness of the child, and advocates for a broader understanding of what it means to be life-giving. By keeping our focus on Christ, not on conception, we give witness to His Divine love and mercy and the goodness of His plan for our lives.
The Fruitful Hollow
The Fruitful Hollow is a Catholic resource and community for those struggling with infertility. They publish weekly blog posts, create monthly resources, and host a mentorship ministry (Sisters of Hannah). They have an email list and regularly post on their social media (@thefruitfulhollow on Instagram, The Fruitful Hollow on Facebook) which is a great way to connect with their community.

Creighton Model FertilityCare System + NaPro TECHNOLOGY
Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) is a method of charting your cycles that is the fundamental basis of NaProTECHNOLOGY. Through charting and research of the biomarkers tracked with Creighton, NaProTECHNOLOGY has been able to identify and develop medical and surgical interventions to treat the root cause of infertility. To start charting with Creighton Model, go here.

Hanan Hope and Healing (Licensed in Missouri)
For a full list of Catholic/Christian counselors in the St. Louis area, please email stlnfp@archstl.org.

- Twelve Stripes Deep by Mary Bruno
- When Expecting Doesn’t Happen by Marie Meaney
- Holding Space for Joy: A Prayer Companion for Those Struggling with Infertility By: Mary Bruno
- The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples by Angelique Ruhi-Lopez and Carmen Santamaria
- Under the Laurel Tree: Grieving Infertility with Saints Anna and Joachim By Nicole Roccas
- Waiting with Mary: a Seven Sorrows Devotional for Catholic Women Facing Infertility By Kathryn Wood
If you find a helpful infertility resource not listed here, let us know at stlnfp@archstl.org. If you or someone at your parish starts a small group, we would be happy to list here for others to find!
We pray you know the Church sees you in this cross and that you know you are deeply loved by a Good Father.