Navigating Together: A Husband's Role in NFP

Navigating Together: A Husband’s Role in NFP

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her…So [also] husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

Ephesians 5: 25, 28 (NABRE)

Since natural family planning methods focus on the biomarkers of the woman’s fertility, it is easy to overlook that NFP is a system of understanding a couple’s combined fertility. Generally, men are always fertile while a woman’s fertility changes throughout their cycle. When women take on all of the duties of learning NFP and charting their fertility, it can make women feel as if all of the pressure is on them to accept or reject their husband’s advances or sometimes referred to as being the “gatekeeper”. We can often forget that NFP requires a mutual act of discernment. Husbands have a role to play in NFP.

Husbands, you are called to support your wife in a way that works for both of you. Natural family planning is not passive for either husband nor wife. It requires a mutual decision to engage or abstain from sex based on your shared fertility. You can walk with your spouse and help lead your family to holiness by sharing in the every day duties of NFP.

How can husbands actively participate in natural family planning?

Educational Partnership

Learn about NFP methods together to better understand the process and make informed decisions as a team.

Active Communication

Foster open communication about family planning goals, concerns, and hopes to ensure both of you feel heard and supported. NFP can be a great tool to ensure you are on the same page.

Calendar Cooperation

Work together on charting, marking important dates, and discussing potential adjustments to plans based on the method you choose.

Encourage Self-Care

Support your spouse in maintaining overall health whether that be through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, or stress management, as these factors can influence fertility.

Provide Emotional Support

Acknowledge the emotional aspects of family planning and be a source of comfort during both challenging and exciting times.

Attend Appointments Together

When possible, try attending follow up sessions with the instructor together to show solidarity and actively engage in the discussion.

Continuous Learning

Stay informed about updates in NFP methods and research, fostering commitment to ongoing learning and improvement as a couple.

Pray Together

This is the most important thing to do with your spouse. Spend time with God together in prayer relying and trusting Him through every step of the NFP journey.

Interested in learning more about NFP? Please continue to browse our website or contact our office!