By Julia DiSalvo
Becki and David Gajewsi do not have the typical adoption story, fraught with delays, disappointments, and demands. As Becki puts it, they “couldn’t be happier” with their process, which she describes as “smooth” and “seamless”: “It’s been amazing every step of the way.” To top it off, they now have a seven-month-old son to love, hold, and care for.
The longest part of their journey was arriving at the decision to adopt. Like many adoptive couples, they tried to conceive on their own before discovering their infertility. Even after grieving and accepting that loss, they “didn’t feel called [to adoption] for years.” Becki was nervous about the high costs and overwhelmed by the prospect of paperwork. They prayed together and discerned whether God was calling them to a life of generosity and service as a childless couple. But their prayers fueled their shared desire for growth in their family, and they realized God could fill that void through adoption.
To fund the adoption, they sold a rental property owned prior to their marriage, scrimped, and saved. David was offered a pay increase to accept a job in Tennessee, so they moved and began the home study process there through Bethany Christian Services (BCS).
In May 2017, David and Becki were transferred back to Saint Louis. Fortunately, BCS had a local branch, and in June they received a profile for a child due to be born on their anniversary. They met the birth mother in person and were matched for open adoption right away. Over Labor Day weekend, while visiting family out-of-state, they received a call that their baby was to be born via emergency C-section. They rushed home to meet their son and greet the birth mother, both of whom were healthy and recovering well. They still maintain some contact with the birth mother.
The letter announcing their award, which they had applied for in June, arrived in January 2018. They had just spent New Year’s Day with relatives, discussing how they might adopt again. Becki says, “Dave and I really would like to adopt again, but struggle with the financial aspect of it. We wouldn’t have any money left.”
She adds that the funds not only replace some depleted savings, but makes a sibling more possible: “I believe that receiving this grant was God’s way of nudging us in the right direction, but it’s still scary… Ultimately, we hope to be doing God’s will and continue to pray for our clarity and His plan to be revealed.”
Having just passed the six-month waiting period with BCS, they’re considering reapplying, knowing the adoption process can take a long time and they’re growing older as parents. The knowledge and support they’ve received inspires Becki to help other couples overcome their own fears and obstacles to adoption.
Meanwhile, David and she are soaking in the gift they already have in hand: “He’s touched a lot of people’s lives,” she reflects, “just seeing his smiling face.”
Other mothers would tell her, “You’re doing such a good thing for him.”
“No,” Becki replies, “he’s doing a good thing for us.”