From the very early days of their marriage, both Michael Anthony and Danielle knew that God was calling them to be open to life and to lovingly welcome children into their home. They were greatly saddened when they learned they were suffering from infertility, only several months into their marriage. After utilizing the skill of many teachers and physicians trained in Natural Family Planning, they were blessed to conceive in 2010. However, that pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
After that miscarriage, Michael Anthony and Danielle knew that the time was right to pursue adoption. During their dating years they had talked about this possibility but thought that God was calling them to have biological children first and then adopt later. However, God had revealed to them a much more wonderful plan. They were called to adopt first. In mid-2011, they were blessed to bring home their beautiful adopted daughter, Grace.
God’s blessings to the Abril family continued and over the next few years, they happily received two biological children (Lucia and Michael) through the help of many physicians who were trained to utilize the insights learned from their charting. Michael Anthony and Danielle have also been foster parents for the last four years and have fostered five children, two of whom are still with them now.
The Abril family believes very strongly in supporting an open adoption plan. Thus, over the past eight years, Michael Anthony and Danielle have maintained a beautiful and fruitful relationship with Grace’s biological family and have frequent communication with them through phone, e-mail, and even visits. Because of this openness, we were told the joyful news that Grace’s birthmother was expecting another daughter. After much consultation between our families, it was agreed upon that it would be in the best interest of both girls to be raised together as sisters in our family.
On the first day of the new year, our dear daughter, Philomena was born. Danielle and Grace were able to be in the hospital when she was born and meet her a few minutes after her birth. They were able to spend almost two weeks with the birth family before being granted permission to bring Philomena back to Missouri. A few weeks after settling back into daily life, they received the joyous news that the adoption was final.
When saying “yes” to adopt their daughters, they knew it was certainly God’s plan but did not have a clear answer as to how the financing would work out. However, they believe where God has a plan, He will make the way. In both their adoptions, God delivered just as promised. They are overwhelming grateful and feel extremely blessed to have received the Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Adoption Grant to help them fulfill their calling from God.
The Abrils applied for the Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Adoption Grant in late 2019, shortly before Philomena’s birth, and received their award in early 2020. To hear more of their story visit www.infertilitycross.com and click on “Stories of Hope” and then “Michael and Danielle”. Danielle will also be blogging about adoption, foster care, and general mom life at unrepeatableblessings.com.