By Alli Coiro, RN-BSN, CFCP
Question: What exactly is a “NFP teacher”?
A NFP teacher is thoroughly trained to teach women and couples a particular method of natural family planning. The training process for teachers varies from method to method, but all NFP providers are equipped to be well-versed in their specific method’s processes and education techniques.
Options in the world of NFP teachers:
- Learning from a married couple versus an individual
- Healthcare professional
- Healthcare setting versus parish setting.
- Available for frequent questions and follow ups
- A more hands-off approach
Based on your preferences in method and/or any of the above categories, you will be able to find the right NFP teacher for you!
So…do I really need a trained teacher to learn?
Learning the Language of Fertility
First of all, for many women, learning to chart their cycles is not as simple as it sounds. Learning a method of natural family planning is learning the language of your fertility! Given there are biomarkers to identify and interpret, it is valuable to have someone there to guide you through the charting process. A NFP teacher helps you to gain confidence in charting accurately within a scientifically proved method!
As a reminder, methods can be used to avoid OR achieve pregnancy. Your current intention for family planning does not negate the value of a NFP teacher.
Books, Podcasts, Well-Meaning Friends
Books or podcasts about fertility are great to get started in understanding the body, but it cannot replace a real, live expert working with you individually! Also, the same degree of understanding cannot be achieved from a book, podcast, or even a well-meaning friend.
Each method can be highly effective in avoiding or achieving pregnancy. The key here is that these effectiveness studies were completed with couples working alongside instruction and follow up with a teacher. To achieve optimal effectiveness, a teacher is a must.
Customized for you
Lastly, working with a NFP teacher allows for a method to be customized for your unique cycle and reproductive category. All of your personal questions to be addressed! You have someone walking with you through the vulnerable process of navigating fertility and family planning – which is such a gift!
Do you have a question you want answered? Let us know! Email our office at or send us a message on Facebook or Instagram.

Alli Coiro is a wife to Vince and mother to three sweet, rambunctious boys (5, 3, and 1). She is a registered nurse and certified Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner with a passion for empowering and educating women and couples about goodness of their fertility. She serves as the Director of the Office of Natural Family Planning which she calls the perfect bridge of medicine and ministry. In her free time she loves watching and playing sports with her family, cooking for a dinner party, and playing board games.